Efficient Differentiable Simulation of Articulated Bodies

We present a method for efficient differentiable simulation of articulated bodies. This enables integration of articulated body dynamics into deep learning frameworks, and gradient-based optimization of neural networks that operate on articulated …

OF-VO Efficient Navigation among Pedestrians Using Commodity Sensors

We present a modified velocity-obstacle (VO) algorithm that uses probabilistic partial observations of the environment to compute velocities and navigate a robot to a target. Our system uses commodity visual sensors, including a mono-camera and a 2D …

Differentiable Fluids with Solid Coupling for Learning and Control

We introduce an efficient differentiable fluid simulator that can be integrated with deep neural networks as a part of layers for learning dynamics and solving control problems. It offers the capability to handle one-way coupling of fluids with rigid …

Scalable Differentiable Physics for Learning and Control

Differentiable physics is a powerful approach to learning and control problems that involve physical objects and environments. While notable progress has been made, the capabilities of differentiable physics solvers remain limited. We develop a …

Learning-based Intrinsic Reflectional Symmetry Detection

Reflectional symmetry is a ubiquitous pattern in nature. Previous works usually solve this problem by voting or sampling, suffering from high computational cost and randomness. In this paper, we propose a learning-based approach to intrinsic …

Learning on 3D Meshes with Laplacian Encoding and Pooling

3D models are commonly used in computer vision and graphics. With the wider availability of mesh data, an efficient and intrinsic deep learning approach to processing 3D meshes is in great need. Unlike images, 3D meshes have irregular connectivity, …

Synthesizing Mesh Deformation Sequences with Bidirectional LSTM

Synthesizing realistic 3D mesh deformation sequences is a challenging but important task in computer animation. To achieve this, researchers have long been focusing on shape analysis to develop new interpolation and extrapolation techniques. However, …

Uncertainty Quantification for Semi-supervised Multi-class Classification in Image Processing and Ego-Motion Analysis of Body-Worn Videos

Semi-supervised learning uses underlying relationships indata with a scarcity of ground-truth labels. In this paper, we intro-duce an uncertainty quantification (UQ) method for graph-basedsemi-supervised multi-class classification problems. We …

Automatic Unpaired Shape Deformation Transfer

Transferring deformation from a source shape to a target shape is a very useful technique in computer graphics. State-of-the-art deformation transfer methods require either point-wise correspondences between source and target shapes, or pairs of …

SF-Net Learning Scene Flow from RGB-D Images with CNNs

With the rapid development of depth sensors, RGB-D data has become much more accessible. Scene flow is one of the fundamental ways to understand the dynamic content in RGB-D image sequences. Traditional approaches estimate scene flow using …